ANTIOCH by Aeron Brown

Behind the Piece

About the Painting:

“Antioch” by Aeron Brown is a prophetic expression of the local community that God has brought together. The painting was done during our 1st anniversary worship service. In the painting you will find the Four Pillars of Antioch represented in the Bride: Nurturing Knowledge, Cultivating Creativity, Healing the Heart, and Strengthening for Service. For deeper insight, watch the video and hear it described by the artist.

About the Author:

Aeron is a pastor, worship leader, and visual artist. Painting hope for the heartbroken is the theme to everything he creates.

Showing in galleries, festivals, churches all over America and in homes around the world he has become a accomplished artist with collectors of his work. Aeron has been known for creating prophetic art, that creates spiritual truths about Jesus Christ, whom Aeron is a follower. You can find his work at